girl in the picture .

oh no, that's not me.
you're wrong if you thought so.

random girl's the one you see up there

Mr. A-Z ♥

Image and video hosting by TinyPicImage and video hosting by TinyPicImage and video hosting by TinyPic - . ♥ . - I'm just a singer, you're the world.

I must be Paranoid, dont you think ?

H A P P I N E S S ;;

butterfly fly a w a y .

Justin Bieber - One Less Lonely Girl.

-El video y él son DEMASIADO lindos. <3

Adorian .-♥

He's sooooo awesomee&funny&creativeee :) i love him <3

J e y d o n .- ♥

-por dios que lindo que es. :)
es una cancion de él, original :O

-ése es un cover/video de la canción 'Don't Trust Me' de 3OH!3.
también, es DEMASIADO lindo ♥

M a c .- ♥

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-es taaan lindo (L

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-ES SUPERMAC18 ! <3 .

-Get Out Of My Way !
su cancioncita hermosa. <3
(me mata que todos sean re lindos, y re perfectos, y re geniales, y todos tienen la re linda voz. jaja.


different !

SUCCESS is getting what you want,
HAPPINESS is wanting what you get.

Life is wonderful-

black keys.

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The black keys never looked so beautiful, and a perfect rainbow never seemed so dull and the lights out never had this bright a glow, and the black keys showing me a world I never knew.

u l t r a v i o l e t .

She's looking good tonight; I love the way she glows in ultraviolet light; Intoxicate my mind, I know that love is blind and i'm not seeing right, I'm not alright .

a t h o u s a n d m i l e s .

Making my way downtown, walking fast, faces pass and I'm home bound. Staring blankly ahead, just making my way, making my way through the crowd. And I need you, and I miss you, and now I wonder... If I could fall into the sky, do you think time, would pass me by, 'Cause you know I'd walk a thousand miles If I could just see you tonight.

s a y s o .


Image and video hosting by TinyPic I am free tonight .

C h e m i c a l s C o l l i d e .


;shut your eyes,, and feel the chemicals collide, you and I, tonight, you're the sugar in my high, shut your eyes, I feel the chemicals collide, stars and satellites, spining round and round on the night you saved my life.


domingo, 3 de enero de 2010

Fireflies - Owl City ♥


You would not believe your eyes,

If ten million fireflies

Lit up the world as I fall asleep

Cause they'd fill the open air

And leave teardrops everywhere

You'd think me rude, but

I would just stand&stare.


I'd like to make myself believe

That planet Earth turns slowly

It's hard to say that I'd

Rather stay awake when I'm asleep,

Cause everything is never as it seems.


Cause I'd get a thousand hugs,

From ten thousand lightening bugs,

As they tried to teach me how to dance.

A foxtrot above my head,

A sock-hop beneath my bed,

The disco ball is just hanging by a thread.


I'd like to make myself believe

That planet Earth turns slowly

It's hard to say that I'd

Rather stay awake when I'm asleep

Cause everything is never as it seems.

(When I fall asleep)


Leave my door open just a crack.

(Please take me away from here).

Cause I feel like such an insomniac.

(Please take me away from here).

Why do I tire of counting sheep?

(Please take me away from here).

When I'm way too tired to fall asleep.


To ten million fireflies

I'm weird cause I hate goodbyes

I got misty eyes as they said farewell

But I'll know where several are

If my dreams get real bizarre,

Cause I saved a few,

And keep them in a jar.


I'd like to make myself believe

That planet Earth turns slowly.

It's hard to say that I'd

Rather stay awake when I'm asleep,

Cause everything is never as it seems.

(When I fall asleep)


I'd like to make myself believe

That planet Earth turns slowly

It's hard to say that I'd

Rather stay awake when I'm asleep.

Because my dreams are bursting at the seams.

martes, 15 de diciembre de 2009

Crazier - Taylor Swift ♥

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I never gone with the wind,
Just let it flow,
Let it take me where it wants to go,
Till you open the door there's so much more,
I've never seen it before,
I was trying to fly but I couldn't find wings,
You came along and changed everything.
You lift my feet off the ground,
You spin me around,
You make me crazier, crazier,
Feels like I'm falling, and I'm
Lost in your eyes,
You make me crazier, crazier, crazier.
I watched from a distance as you,
Made life your own,
Every sky was your own kind of blue,
And I wanted to know how that would feel,
And you made it so real.
You showed me something that I couldn't see,
You opened my eyes and made me believe.
You lift my feet off the ground,
You spin me around,
You make me crazier, crazier,
Feels like I'm falling, and I'm
Lost in your eyes,
You make me crazier, crazier, crazier.
Baby, you showed me what living is for,
I don't want to hide anymore.
You lift my feet off the ground,
You spin me around,
You make me crazier, crazier,
Feels like I'm falling, and I, I'm
Lost in your eyes,
You make me crazier, crazier, crazier.

martes, 8 de diciembre de 2009

Felíz Cumpleaños Personita Especial !

amor de mi vida, María Victoria Torrillas (futura señora de Brufal♥), HOY cumplís 16 años y la sobri no lo puede creer. te acordás que cuando nos encontramos vos tenías 14 y yo 13? ahora cumplís 16 y yo voy a cumplir 15. ayy no lo puedo creer, honestly. como pasó tann rápido? DOS AÑOS, TANN TANN TANN RÁPIDO? (ah, y por cierto, no te podés quejar pendeja, los dos últimos posteos son sobre vos e.e ♥) ay ! sabés de que me acordé el otro día? de cuando estabas en bariloche, y habías ido a un ciber, y todos te miraban en 'logo de movistar' xD de acordás amorr? que me contabassss y que me mostraste la remera por la cam? ay por dios como me cagué de risa ese día. la verdad es que SIEMPRE me hacés reir, con cualquier cosa -pudín;pudín;pudín- ay por dios. jajaja te juro que me sigo riendo cuando me dice eso. y es SU culpa. (tío y vos.) y ya te dije el otro día que vos y él son el aire que respito. bah no, que repiro en realidad. sabés que sos mi vida, y que sin vos no sé que sería de mi, verdad? y espero que sepas que te amo muchísimo. y que te deseo el mejor de los cumpleaños del mundo. tu sweet sixteen. {Happy Birthday} y ya diciendo todo eso, no sé que más decirte que no sepas, porque ya sabés todas estas cosas, right? jaja ~TE AMO. PS: Happy Aniversary for you both. 08/05/08 - 08/11/09

lunes, 2 de noviembre de 2009

te amo ; te amo ; te amo ; mucho

quería decir que ésto es para nada más y nada menos que una de las emm 6 personas más importantes en mi vida, María Victoria Torrillas, MI princesa, Maav . te quería decir que el día anterior al viaje estuve escribiendo algo para vos, un textito, algo como ésto, algo para poner acá, con motivo de el hecho de que hoy hace dos años y once dias que nos encontramos, que somos amigas, dos años y 11 dias desde que cambiaste mi vida con el simple hecho de aparecer en ella. Maav, hoy hace 2 años y 11 dias que formás parte de mi vida, y de mi corazón, y siempre va a ser así. la verdad es que empezé a escribir algo todo nuevo entre ayer y hoy, y descarté lu otro que había escrito. ADVERTENCIA: ESTA CARTA VA A SER EXTREMADAMENTE CURSI. listo, se vieron todos advertidos. sabés que? te amo, así como lo dice el título, y un millón novecientas mil trecientos ciento cincuenta mil millones de veces más : ) pero bueno, eso la verdad que ya lo sabés, quiero creer. y ahora me pongo a hablar en serio, ayy Maav, hay millones de recuerdos que compartimos, tantas cosas que de una forma u otra, vivimos las dos juntas, y que son muy especiales para mi, así como son. hay tantas cosas tuyas que adoro de vos y que espero que no cambies nunca, como esa sonrisa tan hermosa que tenés, aunque no siempre estés sonriente, lo que hace que sea más hermosa todavía; tu risa, que me encanta escucharla, me encanta hacerte reir, cuando estás mal, cuando boludeamos, cuando nos llamamos (?, siempre : ) me encanta el hecho de que siempre, absolutamente siempre que me siento mal, vos me hacés sonreir, siempre estás ahí para mi, siempre que te necesito hablamos, nunca me dejas de lado y nunca me tratás mal. nunca, nunca, nunca. siempre nos reimos y deliramos, siempre compartimos todo, por lo menos yo te cuento todo a vos, siempre me hacés felíz : ) siempre, siempre, siempre. quiero que sepas que estos últimos dos años de mi vida, que vos sabés fueron muy complicados, fueron mucho más fáciles de llevar, especialmente gracias a vos. gracias por estar siempre, gracias por escucharme cuando estoy mal, gracias por entenderme, cosa que mucha gente no pudo nunca, gracias por ser mi amiga, gracias por preocuparte tanto por mi, gracias, gracias por ser vos. : ) es lo mejor que podés hacer, sabelo. sabé que sos muy importante para mi, sabé que no te cambiaría por nada ni por nadie, nunca, sabé que te amo con toda mi alma, mi corazon y mi ser, sabé que voy a hacer todo lo posible para ir el 20 de noviembre, para que podamos llorar como taradas, para que nos saquemos fotitos los tres juntos, para que le cantemos al tio, para que pelotudiemos como las mejores, para que nos encontremos : ) sabé que nunca, por ninguna situación, tenés que dudar de el hecho de que podés hablar conmigo, sabé que voy a estar en todas, siempre que me necesites yo voy a estar, y es una promesa. te acordás de todas las veces que me ayudaste? las veces que me defendiste, las veces que me hiciste reir, sonreir, las veces que me ayudaste a ser feliz, las cantidad de veces que fuiste la única razon por la que segui con mi vida, la cantidad impresionante de veces que fuiste la única que evitó que haga estupideces? Maav, sos demasiado importante para mi, y nunca te quiero perder, y más importante aún, espero no fallarte nunca. no te hacés una idea de lo mucho que yo te necesito a vos, lo mucho que dependo de vos, sos una persona sumamente indispensable para mi, y te amo mucho, mucho, mucho, MUCHO, yo te amo más que vos a mí. (y es así.) quiero que sepas que soy muy felíz de tenerte como mi mejor amiga, la verdadera, la que siempre sabe absolutamente todo, bueno, ya sabes, MI MEJOR AMIGA, quiero que sepas que no sé que haría sin vos, ya que estaria totalmente perdida. quiero que sepas que no hay nada más importante para mí que tenerte como amiga, quiero que sepas que sin vos, yo de verdad no sé que sería de mí, quiero que sepas que gracias a vos cambié muchas cosas de mi misma, y todas para mejor, quiero que sepas que si no fuera por vos, yo HOY sería una persona totalmente distinta, y mucho menos felíz. nunca cambiaría por nada el hecho de haberte encontrado, nunca. y es la verdad. nunca me voy a olvidar de todas las cosas que nos unen, de todas las canciones que cantamos, de todas las cosas que nos gustan, de las cosas que hiciste por mí, y de las que yo hize por vos, nunca me voy a olvidar de vos, esa personita taaaaan importante para mí. sabelo, porque es así. sabé que te amo, y que eso es, fue y siempre será así. sabé que yo te quiero más que todos los demás juntos, y sabé que yo soy la que más te aprecia de todos tus amigos, y yo sé que sabés que es así, porque sos mi mejor amiga. *tu princesita

domingo, 18 de octubre de 2009


Will you count me in? I've been awake for a while now You've got me feelin' like a child now 'Cause every time I see your bubbly face I get the tinglies in a silly place It starts in my toes And I crinkle my nose Wherever it goes I always know you make me smile Please stay for a while now Just take your time Wherever you go The rain is falling on my window pane But we are hiding in a safer place Under covers staying dry and warm You give me feelings that I adore They start in my toes Make me crinkle my nose Wherever it goes I always know That you make me smile Please stay for a while now Just take your time Wherever you go What am I going to say When you make me feel this way I just... mmmmm And it starts in my toes Makes me crinkle my nose Wherever it goes I always know That you make me smile Please stay for a while now Just take your time Wherever you go I've been asleep for a while now You tuck me in just like a child now 'Cause every time you hold me in your arms I'm comfortable enough to feel your warmth And it starts in my soul And I lose all control When you kiss my nose The feeling shows 'cause you make me smile baby Just take your time now Holdin' me tight Wherever, wherever, wherever you go Wherever, wherever, wherever you go Wherever you go, I always now, you make me smile baby just for a while

martes, 6 de octubre de 2009

~The Way You Make Me Feel .~♥

I think of yesterday, And all the times I spent being lonely, I watch the young be young, while all the singers sung about the way I felt; The days are here again, when all the lights go down, what do they show me? The rules are all the same, It's just a different game, to tell you how I feel; Although it seems so rare, I was always there, Ooooh, Ooooh, I can't stop digging the way you make me feel, Oooh, Oooh, I can't stop digging the way, Ooooh, Ooooh, I can't stop digging the way you make me feel; I took a little time, scripting all the things that I'd tell you, I'll send them through the mail, and if all goes well it'd be a day or two; I spend some extra nights, trying to forget the things that I've shown you, By now the smoke is cleared, And all along I feared it would turn out this way; Though it might be wrong, My light is always on, Oooh, Oooh, Can't stop digging the way you make me feel, Oooh, Oooh, Can't stop digging the way, Oooh, Oooh, I can't stop digging the way you make me feel; Look at us now, ask me how did this get so, I'll tell you how, drag my shoes on the ground, But I'm taking them off, taking them off, And I'm ready to walk, yea; Oooh, Oooh, I can't stop digging the way you make me feel, Oooh, Oooh, I can't stop digging the way, Oooh, Oooh, I can't stop digging the way you make me feel.
~The Way You Make Me Feel - McFly♥ sisi, ya sé, estoy obsesionada con ellos, pero bueno, me encantaaaan. ♥

lunes, 7 de septiembre de 2009

Favorite Girl♥

now I've got my one love, my one heart, my one life for sure♥, let me tell you one time, I'mma tell you one time, and I'mma be your one guy, you'll be my number one girl, always making time for you♥ I'mma tell you one time, girl i love you♥
-Justin Bieber -"One Time"

-my world, is your world♥

Your who i'm thinking of, girl you're never runner up, no matter what your always number one; My prized possession , one and only, I adore ya, girl I want ya, the one I can't live without is you , is you; You're my precious little lady, the one that makes me crazy, of all the girls I've ever known, it's you, my favorite girl♥ -Justin Bieber - "Favorite Girl"

everybody !

Image and video hosting by TinyPic -Watch Your Life CHANGE .


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C o n t a g i o u s .

I’m flying down the fast lane,
Doing ninety-five, ninety things on my brain.
Don’t know where the hell I'm going,
I'm going after you.

I’m jumping on the last train,
With the
crazy kind of feeling that I can't explain.
Don’t know where the hell I'm going,
, I'm going after you.

And I know you think I'm crazy,
And I dress up like im four,
I don't do dinner and movies,
But, if I showed up at your door.

Would you give me one more minute,
The story's far from finished,
We could fill in all the pages.
I'm feeling sick,
Girl, you're so contagious.

Just wanna say I miss you,
I caught it when I kissed you,
And I've been through all the stages.
I'm feeling sick,
Girl, you're so contagious.
I'm feeling sick,
Girl, you're so contagious.

It was raining on a Wednesday,
Doing ninety-five, ninety things left to say.
Told myself to keep on driving,
'Cause I left my heart with you.

I never thought that I could walk away,
Every second I'm regrettin’ that I didn't stay.
How could I just keep on driving,
When I left my heart with you.

You think all my friends are crazy,
And I know you hate my car.
But, while I don’t drive a Mercedes,
Would it be that hard?

To just give me one more minute,
The story's far from finished,

We could fill in all the pages.
I'm feeling sick,
Girl, you're so contagious.

Just wanna say I miss you,
I caught it when I kissed you,
And I've been through all the stages.
I'm feeling sick,
Girl, you're so contagious.
I'm feeling sick,
Girl, you're so contagious.

How can I get a second chance?
I don't want you slippin' out my hands,
Maybe the words will come out right,
They sound alright.

So Contagious!

Just hear me out before I go,
Things that I wanted you to know.
Just let me in tonight,
And I will let you go.

i n t o y o u r a r m s . [music video.]

w o n d e r l a n d .

Image and video hosting by TinyPic She doesn't walk, she is always prancing, only when she isn't dancing, You don't even know the things she can see, it'd be clearer if you made up your mind. Any chance she gets, she'll throw a party as ostentatious as you'll ever find. Share your woes, she'll make them lighter, future's bright, but she is brighter. She's not trapped in wonderland, it'ts not hard to understand.

anyone else but y o u .

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We both have shiny happy fits of rage,
I want more fans, you want more stage,
I don't see what anyone can see in anyone else but you.
You're always trying to keep it real,
and I'm in love with how you feel,
I don't see what anyone can see in anyone else but you.
I kiss you on the brain in the shadow of a train,
I kiss you all starry-eyed, my body's swinging from side to side,
I don't see what anyone can see, in
anyone else but you.

-Michael Cera & Ellen Page, "Anyone Else But You" .
-Juno Original Soundtrack .

h o l i d a y . -Boys Like Girls.

When I was younger I used to be wild, as wild as an elephant's child,
no one could hold me down, no one could keep me around,
now it's your turn, take a shot, baby show me everything that you got,
maybe you can keep me alive, maybe you can get in my mind,
but it's only matter of time.

My father he was always wise, as wise as an elephant's eyes,
he couldn't hold me down, he couldn't keep me around,
so are you gonna take your shot? it's the only one that you got,
maybe i'll go out on a limb, maybe i'll jump for a swim,
when the lights go dim.

When I was younger I used to be wild, as wild as an elephant's child,
and I don't think I'll ever change, I think I'm gonna stay the same,.


s h e ' s g o t a b o y f r i e n d n o w

We were seventeen and invincible
Had the world figured out
And the girl on my shoulder told me,
"Everything's gonnna be alright"
And everything was gonna be alright.

Yeah maybe we were in high school
But you never see the ending
When you're young and not pretending singin'
"Everything's gonnna be alright"
And everything was gonna be alright.

Buried her deepest sigh
Stars don't clear my eyes.

Now she's got a boyfriend
And I got it poppin'
There's nothing really happy
'Cause the way you spent
Yea she's in Ohio
And I'm on tobacco
Coming to this city and then who knows
With that song, she wrote,
"Wish that I could turn this car around"
But she's got a boyfriend now.

And I took a trip out to L.A.
For the girl with a smile
That could take your breathe away

I'm thinkin', "Everything's gonnna be alright"
And everything was gonna be alright.

Maybe I thought I could sweep it
As she grew out her feet
And go right back to Boston thinkin',
"Everything's gonna be alright"
And everything was gonna be alright.

The streets keep holding on
But now she's so far gone.

Now she's got a boyfriend

And I got it poppin'
There's nothing really happy
'Cause the way you spent
Yea she's on the west coast
And I'm on tobacco
Coming to this city and then who knows
With that song, she wrote,
"Wish that I could turn this car around"
But she's got a boyfriend now.

Twenty-three and invincible.
Got the world figured out
And the burn on my shoulder told me,
"Everything's gonna be alright"
and that means everything gonnna be alright.

Now she's got a boyfriend
And I got it poppin'
There's nothing really happy
'Cause the way you spent
Yea she's on the west coast
And I'm on tobacco
Coming to this city and then who knows
With that song, she wrote,
"Wish that I could turn this car around"
'Cause there she goes
I wish that I could press rewind somehow

But she's got a boyfriend now.

Life's full of dreams.

Your life has a lack of colour .

thunder ! thunder ! thunder !

I tried to read between the lines.
I tried to look in your eyes
I want a simple explanation; what I'm feeling inside
I gotta find a way out,
Maybe there's a way out.

Your voice was the soundtrack of my summer
Do you know you're unlike any other?
You'll always be my thunder, and I said
Your eyes are the brightest of all the colors
I don't wanna ever love another
You'll always be my thunder,
bring on the rain
And bring on the thunder;

don't really remember . -


oh my god, when you move that way
you're gonna get every boy you meet in this entire town.
and oh my god when you move that way,
you're gonna get everybody you meet including me.

So take a deep breath and throw it all away.
Don't fight, cause this is what you need.
come on and shake, shake, shake it around and around and around again.
Don't fight, cause this is what you need.
come on and shake, shake, shake it around and around and around again.

Come on and shake it.
shake it for me.

w h a t a r e y o u l o o k i n g f o r ? .

n o a i r .

If I should die before I wake, it's cause you took my breath away, losing you it's like living in a world with no air.
I'm here, alone, didn't want to leave, my heart won't move, it's incomplete, I wish there was a way that i can get you to understand.
How do you expect me to live alone with just me, cause my world revolves around you it's so hard for me to breath; tell me how am I supposed to breath with no air? can't live, can't breath with no air, and that's how I feel whenever you ain't there, there's no air. Got me out here in the water so deep, tell me how you gonna be without me, if you ain't here I just can't breath, there's no air.

G L E E ;

Just a city boy, born and raised in south detroit, he took a midnight train going anywhereeeeeeeee(8) -perdon por la tan mala calidad ¬¬ pero es que no habia ninguno que se pudiera poner y que fuera video. fue re díficil encontrarlo ¬¬

You & I both

Was it you who spoke the words that things would happen but not to me?
All things are gonna happen naturally,
Oh, taking your advice and I'm looking on the bright side, and balancing the whole thing.
Oh, but at often times those words, they get tangled up in lines and the bright light turns to night.
Oh, until the dawn it brings, another day to sing about the magic that was you and me.

Cause you and I both loved,
What you and I spoke of,
And others just read of,
Others only read of, of the love,
Of the love that I love.

See I'm all about them words,
Over numbers, unencumbered numbered words;
Hundreds of pages, pages, pages for words.
More words than I, had ever heard, and I, feel so alive.

Cause you and I both loved,
What you and I spoke of,
And others just read of,
And if you could see me now,
Oh, love, love,
You and I, You and I,
Not so little you and I anymore.

And with this silence brings a moral story more importantly evolving is the glory of a boy.

Cause you and I both loved,
What you and I spoke of,
And others just read of,
And if you could see me now,
Well, then I'm almost finally out of,
I'm finally out of,
Finally deedeedeedeedeedee,
Well I'm almost finally, finally,
Well I am free,

Oh, I'm free.

And it's okay if you had to go away,
Oh, just remember that telephones,
Well, they work out of both ways,
But if I never ever hear them ring,
If nothing else I'll think the bells inside have finally found you someone else and that's okay,
Cause I'll remember everything you sang.

Cause you and I both loved,
What you and I spoke of,
And others just read of,
and if you could see me now,
Well, then I'm almost finally out of,
I'm finally out of,
Finally deedeedeedeedeedee,
Well I'm almost finally, finally,
Out of words.

One Republic

One Republic
un cosito (no lo puedo definir?) que hize yo :)

10 Things I Hate About You - Poem.

Kat Stratford:
"I hate the way you talk to me,
and the way you cut your hair.
I hate the way you drive my car.
I hate it when you stare.
I hate your big dumb combat boots,
and the way you read my mind.
I hate you so much it makes me sick;
it even makes me rhyme.
I hate it, I hate the way you're always right.
I hate it when you lie.
I hate it when you make me laugh,
even worse when you make me cry.
I hate it when you're not around,
and the fact that you didn't call.
But mostly I hate the way I don't hate you.
Not even close, not even a little bit, not even at all".

-'10 Things I Hate About You.'

d e t e n t i o n .

Patrick: "It's not everyday you find a girl who'll flash someone to get you out of detention."

-'10 Things I Hate About You.'

you have n o right.

Cameron: "Just 'cause you're beautiful, that doesn't mean that you can treat people like they don't matter."

-'10 Things I Hate About You.'

Just Like Heaven .

Image and video hosting by TinyPic -; -Elizabeth Masterson: "I think I know what my unfinished business is." -David Abbott: "What?" -Elizabeth Masterson: "You." -'Just Like Heaven.'

C r a w l - C h r i s B r o w n .

If we crawl, till' we can walk again,
then we'll run until we're strong enough to jump.
And then we'll fly, until there is no wind,
so let's crawl.

That's what i do

Breakfast ;D

ME !

it's everywhere.

I've Gots The Remedy .-♥

The unavoidable kiss, with the minty fresh
Death breath sure to outlast this catastrophe
Dance with me,
'Cause if you gots the poison,
I've gots the remedy
The remedy is the experience,
This is a dangerous liaison
I say the comedy, is that it's serious.
This is a strange enough new play on words
I said the tragedy is how you're gonna spend,
The rest of your nights with the light on
So shine the light on all of your friends
When it all amounts to nothing in the end.
I won't worry my life away.
When I fall in love,
I take my time
There's no need to hurry when I'm making up my mind
You can turn off the sun,
but I'm still gonna shine

prince charming ;

Vos que todavía crees en el príncipe azul. Está azul porque está muerto. No lo sabías? Te lo acabo de decir .

too often.